We watched Stardust on Saturday. Kesah ttg seorg loser yg akhirnye berjaye mendapat bintang (Yes, mendapat bintang) melalui beberape siri pengembaraan in a magic/fantasy world. Best. Watch it. I rate this movie 3.75 out of 5.
The Annual Event
I was bloody bored on Sunday so decided to clean up my room yang hanye dibersihkn stahun skali tue. It took about 4 hours to first sweep off dust and unwanted stuff on the floor, vacuum habok and sawangs, and finally mop the floor 2 times. Ko hengat senang keje neh??
Before After Bin Tgh2 kemas tuh macam2 bende yg mmpunyai sentimentol sentimental value ku jumpe. In fact bende2 tuh yg nyebabkan lambat kerje siap sebenarnye hehe. Here are some of them:
Patient band (tul ke istilah neh??) mase kene denggi dulu
Nametag Hotel Nik*o ku rembat mase keje kat sane. ~da