I'm thinking of hosting a new website. One of the considerations I need to take is the name of the website like yahoo.com, google.com what-so-ever. I want a cool, simple, preferable .com n takmo ade number, creative, lain-dari-yang-lain name (mmg laa kene lain dari yang lain, tah pa pe tah dia neh).
In thinking of the right name, many have come into mind. Macam-macam yang ku fikir but all are unavailable, like
nama Tuhan dan rasul2 Allah.com muhammad.com isa.com adam.com god.com
numbers and alphabets one.com seven.com abc.com abc123.com
colors color.com black.com red.com white.com
malay names macam.com gelas.com awan.com
and even and.com even.com ayam.com
see, it can be just any name. see.com it.com can.com be.com just.com any.com name.com
Penat ar ku memikir, kalau www.banyakcantikmukakau.com je boleh tak?
jap jap jap, da.com pong ade.  but it's now on sale at ebay.com for US$2,500,000.00 lol. betol, klik da.com 