First thing first.

Today was the last day ku kat Cosmopoint neh under the ACCP training program. Sedih wey. Ku control macho control perasaan hiba lagi sedih sebelum berpisah dengan rakan2. (Gile hensem poyo aku neh). Lepas neh da susah nak jumpa.

I learnt a lot here. Really.

Soon I'll be working again.
Going to be a cell dweller again.
Going to be in the rat race again.
Going to be unknown again.

a 5 second break:
Lepasgeram ses
sion starts

Glad to hear M.U have won the cup. ha. ha. ha.

The recent FA Cup result.
Lepasgeram session ends

Yes, I Like M.U.

But what I'm gonna write now is about friends. Being in the class, aku belajar mengenali something yang ku personally rase baru. Iaitu menghargai kawan. Sejak dari sekolah lagi, abes jer sekolah, da jarang jumpa which ended up terus da jadi bukan kawan. Unless jumpe kat tengah jalan. Yes, nak dapat kawan senang but how you manage to keep the relationship up is more important. That's what I think Ive learned at least a bit.

Hadiah dari Marini sempena perpisahan.

Err, boleh la gak dikira hadiah. ;p.

Lola~Lollipop Marini bagi gak. Dia hutang aku sebenarnya.

Yes, friendship is as sweet as the lollipop.

Gile manis lollipop neh. Ade ar 3 hari baru abes.

But be careful. If you care it less, sooner or later it'll be gone.


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